Check-in: One month without Vyvanse

Updating because some of you where interested.

  • I no longer feel like shit when waking up.
  • I’m sleeping like a baby for the first time in a couple years.
  • Sex and erections are better than ever.
  • Many people (that had no idea I was taking Vyvanse or that I have ADHD) complemented me on my looks these past weeks unprompted, saying that I look a lot better (have no idea if it was just the lack of sleep or skin related issues with the medication). Also girlfriend and close friends said I seem warmer and more social now.
  • I gained weight (intentionally!) at the rate I want.
  • Surprisingly, my focus and concentration is really good now. Basically the same as on Vyvanse but without the crashing when it wears off. So, better, overall.

This last point is the most unexpected thing. I’m better than I was pre-Vyvanse. It’s like Vyvanse taught me how to focus and now can do that without the medication and its nasty side effects.

If you’re on it and are thinking on stopping, I think it’s worth a try. First week off was very rough, second still hard but manageable, but now, 4 weeks in, I feel amazing.