Twitter mocking the “alcohol free queer space” idea is proof that regular gays have finally started gatekeeping the tenderqueers away

It’s about fucking time, too. Your average gay American does NOT want to be seen as a fragile, delicate, fat ugly fuck incapable of making a phone call without having a mental breakdown. Your average gay American does NOT want to be associated with types who clamor on and on about “revolution” but who also think you can totally tear down all of society while still ensuring the safety of its most vulnerable members. Your average gay American does NOT want to be associated with radical movements in general, because radicalism is fucking exhausting.

Tenderqueers only know how to do one thing, and that’s tear stuff down. These people, who only sometimes actually experience same sex attraction, are so lazy and entitled, that they invade historic gay spaces originally built and maintained by real, actual gay people who had nowhere else to go, and they tear them down for all sorts of bullshit “problematic” reasons. And they do this with the equivalent of a smile on their face (they’re never happy) because they see themselves as the oppressed who can do no wrong, and they see the gay people with clout & capital as oppressors who must be knocked off their pedestal by any means necessary. If that means the closure of a decades-old establishment built and designed by old-school gays, so be it, and clearly it never should have existed in the first place since it was “hostile” and “unwelcoming” to their kind (of course it’s never about their behavior and the way they treat others that leads to this supposed hostility, remember they can do no wrong).

Their utopian visions for the world are untenable and impossible to put forth in practice, and deep down they know this, so they’d rather sabotage what already exists because of their bullshit crabs in a bucket mentality. The only reason regular gays even put up with them is because they said all the right things to be invited into the club, only to blindside us by their never-ending despair and negativity and generally anti social behavior. The tenderqueers can all go fuck themselves (asexually of course 🙄), and I’m gonna go suck a dick at the historic leather bar they’re currently protesting because of “racism” or whatever.