Next Book/Series Suggestion
Alright Howlers. I apologize as I know this has been posted/asked a million times, but I find myself in a unique situation here. I need something to hit as hard as Red Rising did. The only things that have come close is Name of the Wind, Dune, and Black Company, and I've taken a stab at all of the following:
- First Law
- Hyperion
- Lies of Locke Lamora
- Mistborn
Nothing has gripped me the same. I am considering some of these, and would love to hear and affirmations or outside suggestions in case there's something I missed:
- Will of the Many
- Discworld
- Ender's Game
- Malazan
- City of Brass
- Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Or I may just pivot to some older literature. If I had to summarize why those previous four series didn't quite grip me, I think I just felt disengaged from the characters. I'm just a slower reader and don't want to invest a lot more time in something I don't love.