What is the next Holy Grail for Radiohead fans?
Over the last sixteen years we've get:
- Let Down video, Fitter Happier video, Lift, I Promise, Man of War, Get Around (AKA Dogwander) and all of OK Computer stuff (OKNOTOK cassette, Minidiscs & OK Outtakes)
- Follow Me Around and If You Say Word + all audio tracks from Kid A Mnesia Exhibition
- Come to Your Senses (soundcheck version)
- Supercolider, Morning Mr Magpie and The Daily Mail [TKOL era]
- Burn the Witch, Present Tense, Ill Wind (AKA North Wind) and True Love Waits (in few versions) [AMSP era]
- Dawn Chorus, Open the Floodgates, Skrting on the Surface, Wall of Eyes (Wall of Ice?), Bodies Laughing [Thom solo & The Smile]
What is the next big thing we are waiting for? Cut a Hole? I Froze Up? Wake Me (Before They Come)? What do you think?