Worried about insomnia. Need support/Advice!

Hey folks, need some advice on if others went through this level of insomnia and how best to navigate it. Currently, I’m seven days off kratom and I jumped cold turkey.

My using background was a single purple bottle (super k) a day for about seven months.

However, while I knew this was going to suck (it does), I’m concerned about my insomnia, I wear an Apple Watch to track sleep and I’ve averaged:

1 hour and 56 minutes of sleep from dec 12th to 18th.

In an effort to sleep I’ve tried: Ativan, Trazadone, and Ambien. Each doing nothing. (Though the ambien does seem to take away WD symptoms)

Luckily I have taken time off work and have a supportive family and I was thinking about using WD for Clonidine, but I’m worried they’ll only give suboxone. (Which is a no go for me, unless I’m at risk of losing my life)

Looking for any success stories, advice, and general knowledge. Thanks!