Asking Again: Suboxone - Is less more?
Hey All,
Sorry for the repeat question, but I didn't get an answer.
I have Suboxone and I want to use it to get off of 7.
I have heard a ton about a 7 Day taper, but I was thinking that I would try a 3 day taper. I think I can pull it off and take a few days off of work.
Is there a compelling reason to do a 7 Day taper instead of a 3 day taper?
I anticipate that it will hurt, but I just want a slightly less bad version of going cold turkey.
My normal detox is 3 days of horrible pain and everything after that is ok.
If I do a 3 day taper of sub will it help or just delay the same exact problems?
I am afraid of getting hooked on subs and It doesn't help me that much when I have taken it.
Is less more?