Getting into a QS Role

Hi guys.

30 years old currently studying a QS Degree with UCEM with 1.5 years to go. Enjoying the learning and all and currently very passionate about it.

Im working fulltime alongside this but completely unrelated field. IT logistics managing shipping/delivering units for repair. It is high volume and we deal with huge clients such as BBC, Raylo, AA, ITV. Its basic but I enjoy however being so focused on QS and learning I am beginning to lose interest in the role.

When it comes to QS actual live job experience I have pretty much nothing so im a bit worried about getting into a trainee role at this minute. Do i have the experience? Knowledge etc wise. Long term plan ofc is to graduate and get into a role and build up from there.

I was wondering if anyone could advise on this. Is it worth getting a trainee role? Are there even any roles like this available? I have reached out to a few on LinkedIn with no luck so far. I am based in the Midlands also if this helps.

Ideally I want to get into the door as quick as possible as I believe this would be the best way to move forward.

If anyone could advise or even point me in the right direction I would be grateful

PS - Would it be possible to go from a degree and do a degree apprenticeship? Although UCEM is all remote so this doesnt affect any dayjob whatsoever.

Much appreciated guys