My 13 week old chi mix is honestly a great puppy. She is very quiet, loves snuggles, isn’t afraid of much and is doing wonderful on her training and socialization. But we have one major struggle. Poop.
She must have been potty pad trained before she got to us because she pees on those, but she will only poop up against the wall. So if the last two weeks, my partner and I have spent extended periods of our days, scrubbing poop off of her playpen, crate, and the walls. We live in an apartment so it’s not always easy to grab her and run outside. Potty training has also been complicated by the fact that the polar vortex made its way down here to Florida and my little Florida baby hates the cold and will shake if it is below 70° outside. We have followed every potty training tip I could possibly find. We go outside constantly. Nothing was working.
But then today, I noticed that she was walking around similarly to how she does before she poops. I got her harness on and got her outside as fast as possible. We wandered around for a little bit. And finally. She did it! She pooped OUTSIDE!!!!! I cheered so loud the neighbors looked out the window lol.
Never did I think I’d be so happy about poop!!