First Time Watching: Season 3

Well this show keeps going from strength to strength doesn’t it? Basically every element I talked about in my season 2 post has been built and improved upon. Easily my favourite season so far.

Something I noticed with this season is a lot of running gags that this show is most famous for really cement themselves as running gags here. It’s not that “my name is Shawn Spencer and this is my partner X” or “I’ve heard it both ways” haven’t shown up previously, but this season really started to push them, appearing in more episodes than not I felt.

Personal episode highlight: Tuesday the 17th because imma massive horror guy and this was a real thrill. The finale with the Yin Yang Killer is probably the most tension this show has had so far, the pirate treasure episode, Gus walks into a bank, that Christmas one… look it’s actually getting really hard to pick a select few standout episodes because most of these are so strong. I mean come on, Juliet decked someone in a roller derby. What’s not to love here

I hope Abigail and Shawn’s mum appear more. I like those two.

Byeeee see you when I finish season 4