I thought I was pro-choice.
I have been in an abortion sub-Reddit for a while. Lately the posts are INSANE. Someone wanted to abort @23 weeks due to having 2 other children and not wanting to disappoint her parents. The people in the comments are ridiculous for even trying to support this. Another just posted, she’s 32 years old, married, expected dad was so happy but she wants to abort because she has a trip planned in December BUT she wants a child “one day” She asked for advice and I gave it to her, I told her nicely that if she actually wants children she has a good 4 years left until it’s going to get real hard to conceive, how keeping a viable pregnancy will be hard. And how everyone saying if she isn’t enthusiastic she needs to abort is ignorant because I wasn’t jumping with excitement when I got pregnant with my 4th child, my oldest JUST turned 6. But I love him to death and I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world. Not one person was standing up for this child. Of course everyone downvoted my comment and made sure I knew how their parents didn’t love them etc. like get therapy?? I have neither a mom or dad. My dad was absolutely terrible, abused me and my sisters. But I worked through that. I am so HAPPY to be alive, so happy to have my own children to love and keep safe. I’m so tired of seeing these selfish animals. You’re really going to take away a life because you have a small trip planned when you would be like 4-5 months pregnant. You’re going to kill SOMEONE for your own selfish needs. I can’t stand it. People like this don’t deserve to reproduce