Islam is not a Monolith as are Muslim community are not Monolith either! Important

Disclaimer: This is hate, nor am I referring to quran only, but everything in islam such as hadith, scholars, etc. Nor am I attacking progressive Muslim and quranist at all this isn’t towards you guys, but everyone i unfortunately can't post from other muslim sub and ex Muslim sub as they would ban me or have huge debate/arugement with me.

While we progressive_islam and quranist like to believe islam isn't oppressive nor advocates injustice there groups of muslim who do that. As everyone here should know throughout Islamic history, Muslim did in fact, use quran, hadiths, scholars, etc, in order to wage conflict and injustice to others as well as others did not in fact.

The reason I am making this to educate people on is that in islamic history there were a lot of politics ideology motive, sectarian & religious bias issue, civil issue, etc against others. Which in results complicated truth event and history happened those time. As such traditional accounts and non ones don't always give present Historical as accurate it should rather to benefit their biases.

Scholars and traitors would use hadiths(the most) and quran(by through interpretation of sources, environment bias as well as their personal bias, too) as form of political/tribal/sectarian motive on others

Removing accurate history and not giving justice to history as it filled with sectarian/religious/political/tribal biases. As well as giving wrong understanding of what the quran means.

Such as for example, "ealry muslim didn't Care about Prophet Muhammad being clean or shine Moral, there were embrassing events and tales of Prophet Muhammad that was universal hated by early muslim that to do would be hertical, a good example is The Satanic Verses over 50 Early Sunni Source Approved the story despite knowing the theological conflict on this story, weather or not You like Satanic Verses being an ahistorical event, it's pretty obvious that early muslims didn't real care about shining Prophet Muhammad"

Why is that (and overexaggerated statement)? Well the answer is to prove political legitimacy rulers, so muslim rulers would create their own ideal perspectives of Prophet Muhammad that will gain audience and power. It the reason why we have muslim and non muslim saying there are different Prophet Muhammad via the quran vs hadiths vs historical vs non-muslim source that don't match one another.

As -The_Caliphate_AS said "quite an overexaggerated statement but when it comes to proving political legitimacy rulers will infact create an ideal version of their own perspectives an example, the Classical Muhammad vs the Medieval Muhammad, despite being the same figure, the interpretations of his biography is widely different

The Classic Period Muhammad is a much more spiritual-tribal leader, while the medieval Muhammad is much of a world conqueror

For more information on this see : Muhammad's Military Expeditions : A Critical Reading in Original Muslim Sources (2024) by Ayman S. Ibrahim"

Same thing can apply to companions too as their information are also written in sectarian tone and change in different time periods as similar to Prophet Muhammad depiction.

what can do is by reading and understanding hadiths, sira, and history, and try notice any biases exist amongst those sources and try give legitimacy to true/accurate history filering out those bias.

Islam is diverse and complex there are many different versions of Islam. Some can be just that contributing positively towards better society or some can be injustice that deserve all the criticism we often hear about. Islam is not black nor white it various of colors that we should advocate than narrow propaganda that salafism and islamist that are trying flood as well the sectarian issue.

Please take the time to understand the talking points of these different versions of Islam, and their stances on multiple topics and issues.

By being informed, hopefully you choose to embrace the version that contributes positively to the society.

also plz stop with "this is Islam" because it is incorrect and not true at all.( this apply to both Muslims and non muslim who say that to justify their love/hate against islam & muslim community)