Thoughts on RYM's current top ranked albums of 2024?

The List

  1. Absolute Elsewhere - Blood Incantation

  2. Muuntautuja - Oranssi Pazuzu

  3. Kinship - Iotunn

  4. Pleroma - Orgone

  5. Paramainomeni - Hoplites

  6. Exhaust - Pyrrhon

  7. Divine Laughter - Cave Sermon

  8. The Blossoming - Ætheria Conscientia

  9. Voidkind - Dvne

  10. Spilling the Astral Chalice - Siderean

  11. Under the Shadow of a Foreign Sun - Piah Mater

  12. Tastes Incredible - Flagman

  13. Every Sound Has a Color in the Valley of the Night - Night Verses (note: the first half of this album dropped last year so I'll include a bonus 16th entry)

  14. Pulzáló dobok tisztítják meg az eget - Shum

  15. The Healer - SUMAC

  16. Reclamation - Amiensus