Should I be afraid to fly?

I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I live in a different state than all my family and friends. They are planning on throwing me a baby shower the first week of March. I’ll be 31 weeks pregnant that week. My husband is very concerned about me flying so late in the pregnancy and keeps telling me it is too dangerous for me and the baby. He didn’t say anything when I was planning this trip a month and a half ago and booked my flights but that was of course before all the airline issues that have happened the past week. I asked him if he would drive me but he doesn’t want to take off two days of work for a 26 hour round trip drive. The flights have a layover each way and are only 1-1.5 hours long for each stretch, so I wouldn’t even be on the plane for extended times. I told him I was going to get it cleared by my doctor. I have appointments this and next week where I will discuss it. I am 40, so considered high risk, but so far have had no complications and all has checked out fine with baby. He thinks I am being selfish and not thinking about the dangers of flying. Can anyone tell me if I should be more concerned and he may be right? I just would feel so sad about missing out on seeing all my friends and family and celebrating this part of my life, which I don’t think I will ever get to experience again.