Unplanned pregnancy at 23, 2 years of university left
Hi all, I’m posting here to try and hear some outside perspectives on my situation. My partner (25M) and I found out we were 5 weeks pregnant the other day. I’m not even sure if I am ready to have kids but for some reason I’m struggling to go through with an abortion. I am currently studying law with 2 years left, I also have a small cleaning business on the side. My partner has a stable job with stable income. We have both saved enough for a house deposit and we planned to buy in 3-4 years when I had graduated and was working full time. We currently live with my father who has always been supportive of me living at home whilst I complete my studies. So realistically we would stay between here and my partners parents place (they are also supportive) until I can graduate and we can buy our own place. I really just need some outside perspective right now because I am terrified and confused. Have any of you mama’s been in a similar situation? And how has it worked out for you?