Things I had NEVER been told...
Graduation was yesterday and it was everything I didn't want, but did anything to have her ♥️
How bad a Cooks Balloon hurts with tethering. Also, that this morbid thing exists. It. Is. PAINFUL. I'd do it again though.
How often you will hear a lullaby while you're in labor in the hospital. It will make you cry.
How helpless you will be after an epidural.
You may hear Code Blue. You will cry.
You may hear Code Blue. Then cancel. Then a lullaby. You will cry.
You push through your butt and you feel like you've sat on a pointed fence the next few days.
The placenta will deliver itself and it feels like a slime ball.
Vernix is incredibly sticky. So golden hour is just holding babe on you. So when they crawl to try and breast feed, you have to help them a bit.
You can see their teeth already.
First day they may not eat a lot but the hospital may encourage you to try. Just do. Don't be discouraged. They also just went through something traumatic.
Your colostrum may not have even come in. It's ok. Your milk also may never. That's ok, too. You're still an amazing mom.