pregnant after chemical pregnancy
This has been quite the whirlwind month. I (33F) took 6 positive pregnancy tests starting July 5th. Based on my period, I was about 3 weeks and 1 day. My husband and I were so excited, we told our parents and my best friend. We knew it was early so tried not to get too excited but we had just taken my IUD out in March and were thrilled it happened so quickly. I had very sore breasts and was really bloated that week and the week before, which indicated to me something was up.
Then I woke up on July 14th to bleeding. Heavy bleeding but like a period. And my breasts were not sore. I took 3 tests and they were all negative, and got blood test done 2 days later and it was negative. The doctor said it was chemical pregnancy. We were pretty devastated.
After that i barely tested my LH. Before that i was pretty religious with it to get to know my cycle after having had an IUD and no period for 4 years. Now it’s August 7th and I’m 6 days late for my period and took 2 positive pregnancy tests this morning. Our reaction was so different this time around. Happy but also super cautious. I can’t believe it happened this quickly without us “actively” trying and tracking, and so soon after.
I’m also very nervous that the same thing will happen. Since the 14th was technically my last period start date (I bled for 3 days), I’m only 3 weeks and 3 days and due April 20. I don’t know how to feel. Called doctor today and asked for blood test and to track hcg levels and progesterone.
Wanted to share and talk about my nerves here, but also wondering if anyone else has gone through this? Any positive stories or advice?