Failed my 1 hr glucose

I'm coming here because I am such a worry wort, and I will not rest until I take my 3 hr. I failed my 1 hr, just barely, with a level of 146. I'm hoping that since I didn't fail too terribly, that is a good sign that I will pass the 3 hr. This is my second pregnancy, and it was the same story with my first. Failed my 1 hr, not by much, but passed my 3 hr with flying colors. What are the chances of developing GD in a second pregnancy, if you didn't have it in your first? Is it resonable to think that since I wasn't over by much that I'll probably be ok, or does that not matter? I have to wait 6 days to take the 3 hr, and then probably another 2 until I get my results. So goodbye sleeping for the next week. 🤣