Bleeding - Subchorionic Hematoma, chemical pregnancy, something else?
Hi everyone! I went to my OBGYN yesterday after having faint line positives on several different pregnancy test brands, but ultimately started bleeding a lot yesterday morning with very mild cramps and still bleeding a decent bit today. Because I didn’t come up positive on the urine preg test at my docs office, I think she assumed I was never pregnant in the first place, which hurt my feelings, but it was my third urine of the day and idk how sensitive her urine tests are. She did say it could’ve been chemical, but she didn’t consider any possibility that there was anything else going on other than early loss, and I guess I’m wondering if there ARE other possibilities? I have photos of all of the positives I had, and the faint positive for this morning.
Anyway, she did submit an hcg blood test for me which hasn’t come back yet. I’m still getting faint line positives which haven’t gotten darker but havent really lightened either. I kind of just wanna move on with my life, but it feels confusing, and I wanted to know if anyone has experienced heavy bleeding with clotting in the beginning that ended in a healthy pregnancy? I’m INCREDIBLY exhausted still. I slept for 11 hours last night and have been fighting off a nap all day. I just don’t know what to think. If I have any level of certainty, I feel like my mind can finally rest.