FTM Questions - No question is dumb

FTM Questions - No question is dumb - please answer mine below or ask your own. Let's help each other out!
1. Do I need to sanitize all my bottles before the baby comes? Assuming breastfeeding goes well, we wouldn't use them immediately. I plan to pump eventually, but I figured it was fine to wait to sanitize until closer to use.
2. How long did you wait to pump? My lactation consultant said at least 4 weeks minimum but try and go as long as possible. My husband and I want to take turns, this baby is 50% him, and mom needs some chill time too, and especially needs sleep. It seems silly to wait and do all the feeds vs having help.
3. Should I be putting diaper cream on after every diaper change or only if they show signs of a rash?
4. If using the hatch or red light bulb to help see during feedings/late-night diaper changes do you leave it on all night long or just turn it on when you need it?