Am I alone in feeling like intimacy is so weird during pregnancy?

Marked this as NSFW with a content warning just in case but yeah does anyone else find sex just sort of weird? Like I have multiple reasons, first of all I don’t really have a huge interest in doing it. I feel like those people that say you get super horny in the 2nd trimester were LYING to me!! 😂

When we do do it, it sort of hurts! Like I swear I can feel him hitting my cervix and it’s just such a huge no from me. I don’t know if it’s cause I’m so tense and not relaxed or if it’s the hormones and physical changes but it definitely is painful.

And then during foreplay and sex I’m so in my head like do I taste, smell or feel different? Am I having lots of discharge? Is something gross gonna happen and he’s gonna not know what to do? I also feel like I have to poop or pass gas sometimes when he’s in there - oh god I’m such a mess!!

I also just keep feeling weird when the baby kicks cause then I start thinking about her and it takes me out of sexy time with my partner. I see people post that they have these huge sex drives and I just can’t relate!

I’m 26 weeks and we have maybe had sex 5 times during the pregnancy. I miss him and I miss it but I can’t bring myself past all of these things! Tell me this goes away once my body is just mine again! Tell me I’m not alone. Or tell me I’m a weirdo and to snap out of it.