Back in nappies full time!
I didn't think I'd put her back in nappies...but over time, we just did. After about 3 months of training, my daughter was pretty good with pee (taking herself but with some misses if we don't remind her on some days) and poo was hit and miss. We went on a month long holiday and it went well for about 2 weeks but she would poo in her underwear and there was just no good way for me to wash her underwear properly vs back at home. She also started having more pee accidents.
Then we went to the beach resort and she was in swimwear almost for a full day for a few days in a row and she'd basically pee and poo in her swim nappy.
We ended up putting her in nappies and still taking her to the toilet. After about a week plus, she started realising she can just pee in her nappy no issue and started refusing to go to the toilet. And we got sick etc and had no energy so we didn't push it. So she's back in nappies full time!
She has been asking for the toilet here and there now that we're back but mostly still peeing in nappies. I'll probably restart it when I have the energy because the laundry has piled and my energy is low.
Surprisingly I feel ok about it, o guess I am a bit too tired to care. I do lament the cost of pull ups! She used to only use one per night.. But it is what it is.