Did I give away the (potentially) biggest pot I’ve ever been in?

I’m a middling player that’s around break-even and play 1/3 at my local casino a few days a month.. usually aiming for the softest table. Been running bad lately as I’ve seem to run into a long stream of suck-outs when I’ve gotten it in good and it’s gotten in my head a bit.

I sit down last night at a table where the average stack is probably $400-$500 with one player sitting on $2k+. I watch him make a good hero call, flop junk 2 pair playing random suited cards, and effectively use his stack to push people around. Solid player for sure.

Played tight and ran my stack from $240 to $885 in about 2 hours. Pick up 10c10d in late position, get called by the big stack in the small blind and the UTG player on a $15 opening bet. Flop comes 3h6d10h. Checked to me, I bet 45. Called by big stack only. Turn comes 8h and he leads into me for $180. I wait a few, and then muck my top set. He shows me the Ah as he drags the pot.

I know not to draw against a made hand, and I’m sure there’s a chance he already hit the flush. I’m certain I’m facing an effective all-in river bet if I make that call. Am I being too nitty with 10 outs to double-up, or can I make the excuse that I was in a tough spot and am protecting my chips?