LF: Certain Aprimons and 5* Fortune-tellers | FT: 5IV Pokemon/few Aprimons


Looking for Chansey, Gligar, Scyther, Bulbasaur, Charmander or Skarmory in any Apricorn ball. I don't care about nature, egg moves or iv's. I'd prefer HA if possible though!

5 IV pokemon I could possibly breed (all have HA if it's commonly used):

Pokemon Nature
Gastly Timid
Marill Adamant
Fletchling Adamant
Ferroseed Relaxed
Skarmory Impish
Rotom Bold
Tangela Relaxed
Mawile Adamant

I also have tons of Love ball Mawile's Safari ball Tangela's and Fast ball Rotom's on hand.

I'm also looking for 5* Kanto, Johto and Kalos! I have the other 4 Fortune-teller tents available for trade.