I need to speak to someone who read both Easypeasy and The Freedom books

I discovered easypeasy around 1.5 year ago. I wasted like 6 months trying to read each chapter getting hyped up to quit and failed. Then last year around same time i finished reading easypeasy method in one go...It worked ngl! I was free but i did some stupid mistakes and i used to jack off which slowly led to porn use again after 4 months. I used easypeasy again 5-6 times this year quitting and getting back to it...the cycle is going on.

I am going to start reading The freedom model book and i dont want to repeat same mistakes. I dont want constantly be in the cycle of quitting and failing. So, please tell me how do i read this book? Should i read it in one go in 2-3 days? Should i use porn while reading as I did in easypeasy? Share me your experience guys! ( My english is not that great so please excuse if i made mistakes)