Serious request for quality control

Many people, myself included, are getting fed up with the absurd number of low quality posts like “Could X animal from this movie series survive in Pleistocene” or “Could X dinosaur survive in X Pleistocene habitat”. In some cases these are done by bots in other cases by real people.

I get there is a market for that but this is not what the sub was meant for. Occasional questions like that would have been ok but now it’s the dominant type of post. It is embarrassing to see bot-like content posted alongside actually thoughtful questions, studies, paleo-art, etc.

Mods need to enforce quality control because these kinds of posts are causing more and more serious people to lose interest in the sub. The vast majority of scientific subs have measures in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening, like r/genetics. Some of those may be warranted here.

No disrespect to anyone who likes the sillier childish stuff but you are welcome to go to speculative evolution or start another sub.