Mature Adult Social Group for Rust - Casual, non-toxic, no requirements, relaxed vibes

We play NA 5x currently.

We are 50/50 NA/EU players.

We build bases with turrets/ villages / do raids, the usual rust stuff.

We're looking for people that want some friends, and like to chill on rust.

Willing to take players of any hours, most of us are long-time rust players so we can carry newer players.

We like to make sure our base is a fortress, living in a well-defended castle.

We're that rust group you've been looking for that isn't toxic.

You can join our group and play 1 hour or 72 hours a week, its up to you.

I'm particularly keen to find people who like to chat in discord and engage with the group :)

Add me on Discord Kai#3354 and send me a message about this post.