[PC][PVPVE] Green Bay RAGNAROK, 2x All, ORP2

Battle Metrics Profile

arkservers.net Profile

Steam Group Page (we mostly use Discord for chat/voice)

Server Name: Green Bay RAGNAROK, 2x All, PVPVE, ORP2

Server IP:

Use the query IP/port when adding to Steam Server browser:

Version: 264.3

Use IP or search for Green Bay in unofficial server list after the list populates. This is quite possibly the best community an ARK player could ask for. The server is PVPVE meaning you can kill someone but for the most part everyone is friendly. Tribes on this server all act quite neighborly, we even make an effort to protect thatch houses belonging to new players. I'd say we're mostly PVE but if someone wants to pick a fight we're more than happy to engage in a skirmish. We don't have any offline anti-raiding rules but it's virtually impossible with the ORP2 mod anyway. Join a server without abusive/cheating admins and without overpowered tribes. Some of the most powerful tribes on our server are rocking wood/stone construction, not because they can't afford the metal, probably because they are so loved by our community that they don't need beefy defense. One tribe even built a public pub and we visit there for beers from time to time. I can't stress enough how great these tribes are. Play ARK they way it was intended.

VOICE / CHAT SERVER (you're invited)



Server map: Ragnarok
Server type: PvPvE
Server Difficulty: 5
Wild Dinos Spawn up to level 150
Your location is visible on the map
Damage numbers display when attacking
Taming Multiplier: 2.0
Harvest amount multiplier: 2.0
XP multiplier: 2.0
Mating Interval multiplier: 0.5
Hatch Speed multiplier: 2.0
Mature Speed multiplier: 10.0
Crop Growth Speed multiplier: 2.0
Crop Decay Speed multiplier: 0.5
ORP per clan limit: 3
Server location: Chicago, IL


Offline Raid Protection 2 (ORP2) - passive dinos can't be killed and structures are 6x stronger while offline.
Builder's Helmet - pick things up after building them.
Pet Finder - helps locate lost pets.
Eggoraptor - Allows the Oviraptor to collect all unfertilized eggs.


Max pillars per tribe: 3
Time after you disconnect until pillar activates: 25 minutes
While active - Structure HP Multiplier: 6.0
While active - Dino HP Multiplier: 3.0
While active - Dino Damage Multiplier: 2.0
While active - PASSIVE Dinos take no damage


No admin shenanigans, no cheat commands, etc etc.. ever.