Heating code for Allegheny County

Here is the heating code for Allegheny County

  1. HEATING. A. Every dwelling occupied during the heating season shall have heating facilities which are properly installed, maintained in a safe and good working condition, and capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, rooms containing a toilet, bathtub or shower, communicating corridors within dwelling units, and community corridors within rooming houses from rooming units to rooms containing a toilet, bathtub or shower.

B. A temperature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit shall be provided in all dwelling units regardless of thermostat location when the outside temperature is 10 degrees Fahrenheit or above during the heating season.

C. At no time shall the temperature in the areas specified in Section 631A be less than 61 degrees Fahrenheit when the outside temperature is below 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

D. Responsibility for compliance with this Section shall be upon the owner or operator of any dwelling, dwelling unit, light housekeeping unit or rooming unit, except where the occupant of a dwelling unit agrees in writing to furnish the required heating devices. If an occupant has agreed to provide heating devices, the owner or operator shall provide sufficient flue connections, fuel connections and fuel storage facilities at convenient points so as to permit the proper installation of such heating devices.

E. The Department may prohibit the use of any heating device which the Department has determined to be a danger to health or safety. Cooking appliances shall not be used, nor shall portable unvented fuel-burning space heaters be used, as a means to provide required heating.

F. For the purposes of this Section, all temperatures shall be measured at a distance of at least three (3) feet above the floor level and no closer than two (2) feet from an outside wall.