If you could speak to your younger self, what would you tell him/her?
Will be starting my residency soon!
But looking back at the younger me, I’d like to tell her:
To my 17 y/o self who thought the world was about to end when you and your friends fought, depression hit you hard. Well, You did great. Becoming a doctor wasn’t even in your imagination but you will be. You will get through it. All of it
To my 21 y/o self who just entered med school. You rock! It will be harder from here on but you too will become stronger. Thank you for not giving up.
To myself a few months back, you’re at crossroads. You dont know which way to go. But you’ll find it. Thank you for carrying on.
To my future self, I hope you finished residency hehe and if not I hope you still live your best life.