My sister’s pig has absolutely no shelter from the cold…
Shortly after I got my pig, my sister decided she wanted to get one, too. He is about 10 months old.
We live in South Mississippi where we typically have pretty mild winters. However, there are still many nights where it gets below freezing. Next week, it’s going to get to the low 20s (with our local meteorologist reporting it will feel like 14). It’s going to be this way for a few days.
My sister’s pig lives outside where he just free roams with no fence (often wandering through the subdivision behind her house). He has no shelter at all. He either sleeps on the concrete porch (which feels like a slab of ice in the cold) or under a bush where he has made himself a hole in the dirt.
I tried telling her before winter even came that he was going to need an enclosure he could go into when the temperature drops, but she never got him one. He does not even have a blanket to lay on. When I text her tonight telling her that he cannot stay out in well below freezing temperatures with no enclosure, she said all of the wild animals make it just fine, so he will, too. She followed it up with “God’s not going to let animals freeze to death.”
I’m really worried about him. The thought of him being stuck out there like that is stressing me out. Am I worrying too much and he really will be fine, or is she putting him at risk like I think she is?
UPDATE: I have placed an order at Tractor Supply for two compacted bales of straw. That’s all the only accommodation I can do for him until I get paid again. Thanks everyone for the great advice!