How inconvenient/annoying is it to have a septum piercing?

I've been thinking of getting a septum piercing for a little while, I think they look really cool and I like the fact that they can easily be hidden/taken out without leaving any visible marks. But I'm wondering how inconvenient it would be to have in day-to-day life, I'm mainly worried about these things:

1) Once it's healed, can you actually blow your nose properly? I've seen some people say that after a few months they could blow their nose just fine and hardly even notice the piercing but others have said that they've stopped using tissues and use a q-tip or just water whilst showering to clean their nose instead. My issue is that I get bad hayfever in the summer (even with antihistamines unfortunately) so I kinda need to retain my availability to blow my nose properly 😅 would this be possible?

2) The smell - is this actually that bad? I know it varies a lot from person to person and some people don't get it whilst others get it even after a year so I know it's probably hard to tell, but like is the smell constant or is it mainly if you move the piercing around/clean it? Would a closed hoop help with this (once it's properly healed ofc) as they probably don't move around as much?

3) The cold - winter is coming up and I've read that the jewellery can get very cold. I live in the UK so it doesn't get super cold in the winter but it's not usually warm either and I'm not sure at what sort of temperature this problem starts to occur or how uncomfortable it is.

Sorry for the long questions, I'm probably overthinking it but any advice would be appreciated, thank you! :)

Edit: Thank you so much for all the advice everyone, I'm sorry I couldn't reply to every comment individually (this got a lot more responses than I was expecting 😅) but I've read all of them and really appreciate everyone's help! I will most likely be getting this piercing in the hopefully not too distant future!