Feedback request: Crofters Loop

TL;DR: I made a reversible golf course, and I wanted to share and ask for feedback because it's my first course.

I've spent the last month or two designing my first course and I'm hoping to get feedback. The course is called "Crofters Loop" and it's a reversable course, so there are too versions of the course: Crofters Loop (Leftward) and Crofters Loop (Rightward). Crofting is leasing land to graze sheep on, and it's not uncommon to have sheep grazing on courses in Scotland, and they will be on one of the holes as you play.

I'm a golf architecture nerd, so the course is full of split fairways. Angles matter a ton and not every section of the fairway will be easy to play to if you're planning on just bombing your driver straight. There are three sets of tees (green is recommended: driver about 290, white: 315, black: 340). There are four pin sets (1: easiest pin positions, 2 & 3: mixed difficulty and recommended pins, and 4: extremely difficult pins). You can set the wind however you like, but I recommend high winds in a random direction (I took a very long time making sure that every hole works well in all wind conditions).

My only concern is that I've made the course too difficult, but everyone said that the game is too easy, and everyone is shooting under par, so I built the entire course on beginner settings, and tried to make it challenging even when I knew exactly where the ball would go. I play match play golf in real life, so I've designed it as a match play course, where some holes it's as easy to make a snowman as it is to make par, which is fine if it's match play, but can make people grumpy if they care about their score.