Whelp. I’m probably getting fired.
In the wise words of Shane Topp.. UPDATE!!!
I was terminated, but not before I resigned instead the following was my letter of resignation
“What Can I Do, To Better Support you?” : The Corporate Theatre of Care
What can you do to better support me? That's the question being asked by District managers walking around a store wasting everyone's time. There are business models where this might not feel like such a slap in the face, but who are we fucking kidding when there is no question what Corporate could be doing to better support their employees. It’s not like it's a secret that the pay sucks, the hours suck, the staffing is minimal. Who are we Family Dollar? I don’t need any cosmetic bullshit from management, we don’t need snack boxes, we don't need pizza parties. We need to be paid fairly and given proper hours. You want animal care “experts” but you don’t want to pay for expertise. I understand that it's all a power/cash grab as the corporate sleezebags running this company into the ground take, take, take all they can before it implodes, but the least you dipshits could do is be honest about it. Now, I'll be the first to admit, I can be a bit of an asshole. Did I openly mock my district manager on the sales floor, with customers in the store? Sure. But when offered nothing but empty corporate scripts and condescending explanations about systems that are clearly, CLEARLY, designed to fuck over the average person and make some rich cunt millions, I do not respect you for believing that nonsense. I do not respect you, (redacted name of a corporate dipshit). Petco is a company that claims to put pets first, to staff experts on the animals they sell and claims to be a company for your average person, but it’s nothing but a scheme the focus isn't even on selling products. My store sells lots of toys, lots of animal care supplies, and plenty of food, we do not sell VCPs. Our customers love our store, on average, and they trust that we are doing our best to help them get what they need. This is an interesting correlation, is it not? By not forcing a scam of a subscription that is stupidly difficult to cancel and doesn't even stack with other coupons anymore, we earn the trust of the people we want to buy the things in the fucking store, you know guys... How stores work? It’s comical that anyone up the corporate ladder believes people don’t see how blatantly scammy this subscription is, you absolute brainless fools. What makes for a good business? It’s actually quite simple, which makes the constant failures of these massive corporations, like Petco, absolutely confounding. A good business is built by selling a trustworthy product, that is priced reasonably and is a real necessity or genuine want to the customer. What do I mean by this? I mean not needlessly “building the basket”, I mean yes to “minding the customer's wallet” I mean, don't fucking scam people. If a product cannot sell itself then it is very likely a shitty product, so if we have to implement all these stupid sales tactics to get garbage off the shelves before it expires, maybe we shouldn’t be selling those products. Even the attempts to be inclusive by this godawful company are laughable. I mean slapping a “Holiday and Hannuka” tag on clearly Christmas-themed items. I’m a certified atheist and even I find that to be incredibly weird to 1) not say Christmas when it's obviously a Christmas item and 2) to just include Hanukkah as an addition on a tag for a Christmas item that isn’t even being called a Christmas item? It doesn’t take a PhD in Woke Culture, to know this is idiotic. Eh, bored now. Fuck you guys --Lots of love signed LuigiLover69420