How hard is engineering/electrical engineering at Curtin University?

I'm seriously considering doing it. I'm a mature aged student (26) and never been to uni. I have done TAFE (Advanced Diploma of Cyber Security and Cert IV in Programming), which has gotten me into the Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science, which Curtin said I need to do 6 months of to meet the entry requirements for their engineering degree (I'm thinking of doing an electrical engineering major).

I want to do it but how hard is this going to be? I know engineering has a high level of difficulty, but is it like a "I need to study a bit longer to understand something" difficulty or "kill me now, this is near impossible, why did I do this to myself" difficulty.

I did finish highschool, didn't do ATAR subjects like physics or chemistry though, except for 2CD math. Will this negatively effect me?

I do believe I am capable of doing it, I feel like I'm more mature in the way I think and approach education now. I can buckle down and study for something I really want to do, I just want to know what I would be getting myself into? Any thoughts, comments or suggestions would be helpful.