what should my next goal be?

hi all! i'm 22 and have just hit my goal for getting my emergency savings in my HYSA to 10k and am wondering what i should do next. currently, i'm putting 5% of my paycheck into my 401k which my job matches to get a total of 10%. i also have a personal ROTH IRA that i put $25 into every month and my parents match me, putting in a total of $50 a month (i know i can definitely increase those contributions but not sure to how much). considering i'm only making 50k in a pretty expensive city, i'm quite proud of myself :)

unfortunately, i’ve been having some really bad mental health issues and i’m considering quitting my job and moving back in with my parents for a while until i decide if this is rly the career/life i want or if i want to do grad school or something else. i would probably get a job while i'm there, which means i'll be able to save or invest a lot more.

nothing has been decided yet though, and i’m still sticking to my budget, saving at least 20% of my paycheck, etc. i’m just not rly sure what my next financial goal should be. do i just keep putting money into my HYSA? are there other investments i should be looking into since all of mine rn are just for retirement? ik im pretty ahead financially since im so young but im just curious what else is out there. also not sure what would happen with my 401k if i quit, so im thinking i should be putting more in my personal ROTH instead, but again, im just not sure since everything feels kind of up in the air.

other info: no debt of any kind, i have two cats that i'm financially responsible for, still under my dad's health insurance, no car (public transit), renting, and have a pretty good credit score.