Seeking advice: I’m starting a job soon that makes a ton of commission. How should I spend my money?

My new job will be about 85k in salary which is what I’m used to. However, the commission is about 1.5-2% on $2-$5M machines. Most sales people average 6-12 sales per year. So on the lowest end I’m staring at 240K per year to mid-400s on the high end. I’ve talked with several sales people from the company and all have confirmed this is accurate.

I’ve (35M) only cracked 100k twice in my working career. So this potential is actually making me very nervous. We have roughly 25k in cc debt, 35k in HELOC, wife has 60k student loans. We have about 10k in savings and nothing set aside for kids yet (2 & 7). We would like to move to a better school district and our house is valued at 150k more than what we purchased it for.

My goal is to get rid of revolving debt and use cc in my favor. Save enough for down payment of new house in better district. Set money aside for kids school via 529 and custodial accounts. Then work towards a vacation home eventually.

How would you all start to allocate dollars? Any advice is welcome. Just want to hear thoughts from others.