Need advice - selling royalties

Okay, I’m a fairly successful music producer with a couple gold and platinum records under my belt, but the money in the biz and the love for it has been slowing down for a couple years which has made me switch career paths to pursue general contracting.
During my career change I racked up some CC debt ($35k @29%)and it’s been tough for me to get out and pursue the career. Not proud of the debt and definitely not letting this happen again. So I’ve learned my lesson with that. I have an option to sell a portion of my royalties for anywhere between $42-$45k The portion I would be selling pulls in roughly $4,800 a year with a steadily decline each year. A part of me wants to just sell it and be done with this lil mess up and start with a clean slate as I always feel like I’m playing catch up. Another part of me wants to hold on to these royalties because it’s part of my first couple songs I worked and there’s a sense of pride there.

I really feel that if I put this behind me I would have a much easier time getting this new business up and running. Curious what you all think?
