What are the benefits of upgrading from 144Hz to 240Hz monitor
I keep seeing people talk about how they upgraded and it was amazing, even a friend of mine was talking about that being his next upgrade once he gets a PC that can run 240fps but I really don't get it. I feel like weekly people get 144hz monitors and talk about how its great just to realize they hadn't switched it to 144 yet, so not to be that guy but can the human eye really tell the difference from something updating 144 times a second and 240 times a second or is it maybe a placebo, if so can someone explain to me the benefit better than "It FEELS amazing bro, once I switch I never switched back trust".
I guess if given a budget I would much rather upgrade the resolution and display quality before the refresh rate passed 144Hz and I am almost certain if you put someone in font of one monitor with better resolution and quality but 144Hz and the other being lower resolution and basic quality they'd say the first is the better one and maybe even assume its the 240hz one since it looks better. though I could (and hopefully am) wrong.