What are some “video gamey” things games do that you dislike?

By “video gamey”, I mean mechanics that don’t feel naturally or well implemented into a game, such as invisible walls, items in certain locations, or awkward dialogue choices. Basically something that ruins immersion

For example, in some games there are a lot of areas where you need a large plank or a ladder to get across platforms, and it’s sometimes placed in areas that just don’t really make sense for planks or ladders to be. Sometimes there will be a sewer area and there’s a random ladder in it placed very conveniently for the player to use. Another example is games including dialogue along the lines of “if we do x, maybe this will happen”, to subtly tell the player what to do. It’s not the worst thing ever but it’s so awkwardly implemented sometimes, especially in horror. Another one is first person shooter games sometimes having bullet sponges or making the player one as well, having infinite ammo during a cutscene or sequence but not regularly in game, or things of that nature. So what are those moments or mechanics in games that scream “video-gamey” to you?