We don't always marry our soul mates.

One theme that comes up often in my past life sessions is meeting soul mates - people we have lived with across many lifetimes.

In a session with one client, he met his soul mate and wanted to marry her. But circumstances in that life did not allow them to be together. My client was so upset, he withdrew from society and lived like a hermit, until the end of that life.

The learning (or what he needed to remember) in that life was he could still live a full life and his soul mate was there to remind him of that.

Something similar is happening with him in his current life, where he’s met this same person again but circumstances do not allow them to be together.

After seeing that past life, when I asked my client’s higher self, why he cannot be with his soul mate. His higher self answered – He can be, he has to learn to stand up for himself, and take the necessary steps to make it happen for himself. He has the tools and the ability to, he just needs to put them in action, because that’s what he’s here to experience himself to do.

In other sessions with the same client, we visited several lives where he was with his soul mate, going back to ancient Egypt and Atlantis.

Meeting a soul mate doesn’t mean you will marry them. They've accompanied you here to help with your soul evolution and to remember your divinity. Soul mates can also be your children, your friends, co-workers, siblings, parents and grandparents, or any relationship where you experience a strong bond. That relationship may not always be pleasant but it will have the highest potential to help you evolve.