Weird side effect coming off paroxetine.
Ok since the end of 2020, with all the insane political bullshit and Covid about a year old my brain decided to hand me daily anxiety / panic attacks, could literally just be washing my hands and have a full blown attack thinking I was going to die.
Fast forward to march 23-23, I decide I’m tired of being a zombie with no energy, no motivation, no fear, no nothing, also fuck Paxil and every doctor who has ever prescribed it. , fuck them in the ass, just fuck them hard to show them how fucked up this medicine is.
I was on 20 mg paroxetine daily for the attacks, it didn’t work, so I was also prescribed a low dose of metoprolol I wanna say 10 or 20 mg, with those two, all of my attacks subsided within 6 weeks. Was great at first but I realized I lost my entire self. Like I said, no energy no motivation no nothing.
So I started eating really healthy like Macro counting and all, I started walking my dog 2 miles a day, and I cut my Paroxetine to 10 mg.
I was on 10mg paroxetine for 12 days with only slight changes, just the usual side effects, brain zaps, brain fog. But at the same time, all my energy started coming back and motivation, I not only do things but I go out of my way to do them, I’m on 0 paroxetine mg for over 90 hours the zaps and fog are almost zero now, but the side effect and I don’t know if it’s from my dietary changes, working out, or coming off Paxil or all 3 but I feel like I’m on adderal, and while everything I read says symptoms can show up randomly for even months after stopping, so far no attacks, the longest I’ve ever gone is 2 days before the attacks manifested again.
I just hope it doesn’t go away cause it feels amazing being productive again
Ps. Fuck the ever loving fuck out of paroxetine, get a second opinion, change your lifestyle, get some sun, and if that doesn’t work, try it, but I can’t advocate against this spawn of satan dust they are feeding us enough