I'm overwhelmed.
My managing attorney has given the office manager free rein in terms of making decisions related to my position. I work under 3 different attorneys, and an office manager, who does not have any paralegal (or similar) experience. I recently brought it up to her attention that I am misclassified as an exempt employee and cited the federal law. I told her, by definition, Paralegals do not have decision making discretion and work under our supervising attorney's licenses and therefore, we cannot be classified as "exempt". She can't comprehend that. She is confusing it with "free will". The fact that I can type up an email and press send without asking an attorney qualified me to be "exempt" in her eyes.
You see, I typically would not give a shit, but I usually have to take work home. I was told that the attorneys/lead paralegal would be around to lend a hand if needed during my interview. The lead paralegal (who is (i) a independent contractor, and (ii) not always available) was also supposed to be someone I could fall back on. Well, I tried to fall back on someone and I was shut down ("She is not your assistant, you are her assistant" after I told my office manager I have enough on my plate, I can't take on more tasks).
The demands of my job involve sending intake forms, reminders re: same, collecting consultation fees, calendaring consultations and updating the same, managing 3 different spread sheets related to client intake/referrals/matters, and matter tasks and conducting weekly meetings re: same, as well as an active matters spreadsheet, sending ELs, reminders, manual data entry of at all stages of the engagement and matter, reminders to vendors and collecting monthly documents, reviewing them, making changes as necessary, getting the attorney to approve them, collecting signatures (wet signatures) to file with the court, drafting documents, saving notices and performing tasks re: same, all calendaring, service of all documents, mail, drafting and review of pleadings, filing documents, sending reminders of deadlines, preparing response to subpeonas and discovery, another spreadsheet for each case to keep track of claims (there are a lot of claims for each case). Out of all of the above, I draft documents the least. I am currently getting trained to do what the lead paralegal does- without any help with my existing tasks, and training also kicks my ass.
The past week one of the attorneys took a vacation, and this upcoming week, another attorney is taking a vacation. Guess whose billable hours have gone through the roof? Mine! Why is that? They expect me to get all my admin work in 20 hours each month and the rest of the time I should be doing billable work and take one other attorneys tasks when they are not around.
I'm trying to figure out if I should stay and maybe I will be some sort of crazy lady who can get all this shit done in a breeze, or if I should find myself another paralegal job- or maybe, I'm just not cut out for this shit and I need to find myself another profession altogether. If they can start paying me my overtime hours, that will be great. It will give me some form of relief that at least I am getting paid for my efforts.