Me with 4 hopped up hares - STILL can't get the achievement. IWstudios definitely need to fix this

Today I've driven many many miles with various types of hares, I tried happy hares ages ago also, getting panels destroyed by most, and ruining the fun of the game when stuck with broken bunnies but having to leave them on. Just tried what someone suggested - Leaving the game / saving during trip then reloading. This isn't possible due to it abandoning the trip. Also tried fresh saves etc. So many people all having this same issue!

Today I've driven many many miles with various types of hares, I tried happy hares ages ago also, getting panels destroyed by most, and ruining the fun of the game when stuck with broken bunnies but having to leave them on. Just tried what someone suggested - Leaving the game / saving during trip then reloading. This isn't possible due to it abandoning the trip. Also tried fresh saves etc. So many people all having this same issue!