You guys need to relax about Coyle.
I’ve shut my mouth up until this point but I can’t handle it anymore. If you enjoy Coyle’s character, guess what? THATS OKAY. You don’t need to justify why you like a fictional character to everyone just because they are evil or immoral. Nobody gives a duck about liking Gooseberry and she literally drugged up and killed kids, but the moment someone has any interest in Coyle they have to make sure they don’t get cancelled and put in parenthesis that they “Aren’t okay with him being a racist psychopath”.
I LOVE Coyle, I LOVE a lot of the outlast villains and 9/10 of them do the most immoral things imaginable but it’s just a game and they don’t exist. However unlike most people I actually empathize with them because most of them are evil for a reason, and if they had been actually helped instead of experimented on and tortured they might have changed. Coyle was literally forced to almost get hit by lightning in a bathtub by his deranged mother and his father hit him. They also probably raised him to be racist. Just highlighting why I empathize.
Anywho, just saying , you don’t have to justify liking an evil character, especially since it’s fiction and to be enjoyed and learned from.