Highly recommend Tunic for Outer Wilds fans

Just finished Tunic and it was one of the best gaming experiences I've had this year. Might be somewhere in my Top 25 games of all time.

The game is different from Outer Wilds in many ways of course, which I won't go into so as not to give anything away. But it definitely activated the same parts of my brain as Outer Wilds did. It has the same moments of epiphany, where you finally see a connection that's been right under your nose the entire time, and suddenly all the pieces click into place and everything that was confusing before finally makes sense, and a feeling of awe washes over you. Like Outer Wilds, it's one of those games that you can only really experience once.

The only other thing I'll say is that if you don't get it at first, just keep going, it takes some time before the real genius of the game becomes apparent.