Poop everywhere!

I had the most stressful 30min of life ever. I was watching a movie with my roommate and I suddenly felt my bag leak. It was that sensation we all know about. Thankfully I caught it before I unleashed the waterworks in the living room. I get all my supplies and think to myself “another easy bag change nothing new” famous last words. My stoma (now named “dick” after tonight’s fiasco) then proceeds to volcanicly erupt all over my bathroom, painted my walls and counters a new color! Completely for freeee! With one hand I was holding back what felt like a shaken soda bottle and the other had to prepare my bag. Eventually I found my an opening to clean up and stick this god forsaken bag over my stomach burster (like alien) I have now joined the elites when it comes to bag changes. May this level of stress never find me again 🙏🏼