My extraction reversal plan. MSE/DOME/BSSO. Tell me what you think.

Currently 29M, I had premolars taken out and retracted as a teen. I had a recessed lower already so upper teeth were retracted quite a lot. Way too much. Currently in braces but changing orthodontist and had a few consults with an airway focused orthodontist. Some of you might know him - Dr Derek Mahoney in Australia. This is the plan he came up with and I'm curious to get your thoughts.

I'll be getting an MSE but with a surgical assist to expand the palate. The surgery is basically the DOME procedure. Upper incisors will be torqued upright with braces and the diastema gap will be moved to open up premolar spaces for implants. Then the surgeon will bring the lower jaw forward with a BSSO.

The plan overall makes a lot of sense to me. The only thing I'm not so sure about is that I haven't found much about real MARPE/MSE + DOME like procedures online. There's tons of SARPE cases for expansion but this not so much. Has anyone gone through something like this? Keen to hear your stories.

Also in general let me know what you think of this plan.