Almost scammed?
Hey all, first time poster. So this happened at the Tokyo Central parking lot in Costa Mesa. I was heading to my car to put some stuff away when this guy drives up and asks me for directions to LAX. I give him the directions and assume that will be it, but he decides to park and talk with me. Against my better judgement, I allow this.
Basically, he tells me he's from Italy and he's a manager at a department store called Profumi Rossi. He gives me his business card and tells me to give him a call if I'm ever in Italy. He also invites me to some event at the Annaheim Convention center. I think that's the end of it but he's not done.
He shows me some nice watches his store sells and offers them as a gift due to import taxes. Then tells me that he needs some money for the airport to the tune of $600. He also offers to throw in an apple watch and air pods he supposedly got for one of his kids. As soon as he pulls the venmo up I say I'm not comfortable with this. He takes the watches back and we go our separate ways.
Tl;dr: I give a guy directions to LAX he tries to give me stuff for $600. I say no, he takes his stuff and leaves.
So did I almost get scammed or did I miss my rags to riches story?
Edit: Thanks for the replies. A lot of you are mentioning phones and to his credit he did say he was out of data or something to that effect. A pretty crappy excuse in hindsight, but hindsight is 20/20. That said, I do fall for politeness traps pretty easily which is what a lot of these scammers rely on. Thanks again for the responses and stay safe out there. In the meantime I'll go hit up my long lost uncle who is a Nigerian prince. Maybe he's got some money for me.