Bernese Method- it really works!!!! m30s / street fentanyl
I’m so fucking amazed at how this worked-I’ve been telling everyone I know that uses about it. I didn’t even fully follow the schedule, and it STILL worked. So I heard about the method with less than a week before I had a flight to go visit family. Here’s the schedule I followed: Day one- .25mg am and pm. still using Day two- .5mg am and pm. still using Day three- 1mg am and pm. still using Day four- 2mg am and pm. still using. Day five- 3 mg am. skipped pm dose on accident. still using. Day six- 3 mg am. smoked 2-3 pills. 3 mg pm with only a couple bumps/ .25 of a pill. felt sick for the first time. hot and cold, couldn’t sleep, but nowhere near what i normally go through during withdrawal. Day seven- was too scared to try subs again. 3 small bumps throughout the day. Day eight- no subs. 3 small bumps throughout the day. Day nine- no subs. 1 bump morning, one bump night. Day ten (today) - 3000mg vitamin C in morning. no subs, no fent. super tired, low motivation, depression, loose stool. but no kicking, no puking, no cold sweats. nothing like what i’ve experienced before.
This has been a fucking godsend. And I didn’t even follow it correctly! I was supposed to keep using subs and then kratom. My boyfriend currently is following a real schedule, and is doing great. Will post his experience once he’s done. The high dose of vitamin C helped lift me out of the depression today too. Would highly recommend.