Free disk space and trash content not updated in real time in Dolphin
Hi guys, i use tumbleweed for some time now. Generaly i am very happy with the system and i just decided to look into (and solve) some minor issues i have noticed.
One of those issues is, that Dolphin does not update the free disk space in real time at the bottom of the window after moving/erasing/adding some files and also the files i send to trash are not visible in trash immediately. If i erase a file, i need to close dolphin, wait some time and open it again to see the file in a trash, or the update of free disk space.
I dont think this is a normal behavior, since these "file operations" were updated instantly on my previous systems (my previous OS was Kubuntu). It is nothing i cannot live with, it is just a little annoyance.
Thanks for the hints on how to resolve this.